Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dove Whitening Anti-perspirant

Dove Anti-Perspirant Deodorant
Whitening (Original)
Restores underarms' natural skintone
Price: $2.50 (Swanston)

Pro: Scent, whitens, inexpensive
Con: takes quite long to dry

My skin darkening at underarms was quite bad.

I have been using this for at least 3 months daily. I can see the results within 3 weeks of using it. However, after the initial rapid results, its results

seem to be minimal and unnoticeable for me.

Maybe because mine is not the fast drying type, it takes quite a long time to dry after applying it. If you are rushing in the morning, you might want to try

out the fast drying one. =)

I will still recommend this product as it's price is very reasonable, and it did help to lighten around 2/3 my darkened skin...  =D